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Ausstellung Grey Art Gallery and Study Center, New York University, December 8, 1976-January 12, 1977. Mit Typoskript-Seiten auf deutsch/englisch zur Ausstellung im Ludwig-Forum. Text des Katalogs komplett englischsprachig.
Preis: 29,95 €
Ivancevich, John M. u.a.: Management
2. Auflage / Second Edition. (ISBN: 0-256-18939-0 (überklebt mit Aufkleber: ISBN 0-07-114401-3)). A.d. Inhalt: Managing and the Environment - Planning - Organizing - Leading - Controlling - Growth, Technology and Innovation
Preis: 18,95 €
Jackson, Peter C.: Saint George and the Dragon
Designed and adapted by Mr. Peter C. Jackson from the original Toy Theater play published in 1847. Together with another version compiled from Mummers play in 1871 by Mrs. Juliana Ewing. The whole embellished with a scholarly introduction.
Preis: 6,95 €
Thwaite, Anthony / Mole, John (Hg.): Poetry 1945 to 1980
Among [the poets] are not only such well-known figures as Philip Larkin, Ted Hughes, Thorn Gunn, Sylvia Plath and Seamus Heaney, but also many contemporaries and younger poets whose work deserves to be more widely read.
Preis: 10,95 €
Livermore, H.V.: A new history of Portugal
A.d. Inhalt: The Origins of Portugal - The Agrarian Monarchy - The House of Avis - The Renaissance Monarchy - The Three Philips - The Restoration - The Age of Absolutism - The Peninsular War - The Implantation of Liberalism - The Republic
Preis: 7,95 €
Sapolsky, Harvey M.: Science and the Navy
A.d. Inhalt: Introduction - The Origins of the Office of Naval Research - The Office of National Research - The Office of No Return? ONR and the Issue of Relevance - Managing Naval Science - Science Advice for the Navy - Conclusion
Preis: 4,95 €

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Cellini, Benvenuto: The Life of Benvenuto Cellini
A.d. Inhalt: Book First - Book Second - Cellini s Works in Plates - Notes on the Illustrations
Preis: 8,95 €
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