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[Part IV.: Defeating the Threat / Part V.: Training Tips]. Heft mit militärtaktischen Instruktionen (wohl für die US-Armee).
Preis: 2,95 €
Bradbury, W.K.: Niagara Falls. Canada
Heft mit Ansichtsfotos von den Niagara-Fällen und der Umgebung. "I saw Niagara, o God! who can describe that sight." (FANNY KEMBLE). Text auf Englisch.
Preis: 2,95 €
Aronson, Theo: The Coburgs of Belgium
A.d. Inhalt: Prologue: The Prince: 1790-1831 - Leopold I: King against Europe 1831-1865 - Leopold II: KIng against the world 1865-1909 - Albert I: King against conqueror 1909-1934 - Leopold III: King against countrymen 1934-1950 - The Reluctant King
Preis: 16,95 €
Carroll, Lewis: Alice in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass Vorreiter der Nonsense-Literatur
Preis: 2,95 €
Ivancevich, John M. u.a.: Management
2. Auflage / Second Edition. (ISBN: 0-256-18939-0 (überklebt mit Aufkleber: ISBN 0-07-114401-3)). A.d. Inhalt: Managing and the Environment - Planning - Organizing - Leading - Controlling - Growth, Technology and Innovation
Preis: 18,95 €
NcNergney, Robert F. / Herbert, Joanne M.: Foundations of education
A.d. Inhalt: Student Edition Contents: Teachers and Teaching - Historical Foundations of American Education, 1600-1865 - Modern U.S. Education History, 1865 to the Present - Philosophical Foundations in Action - Schools - Cultural Diversity
Preis: 6,95 €

Neu eingetroffen:

Cellini, Benvenuto: The Life of Benvenuto Cellini
A.d. Inhalt: Book First - Book Second - Cellini s Works in Plates - Notes on the Illustrations
Preis: 8,95 €
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