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Einige Vorschläge aus dieser Rubrik:

Levy, Henry M. / Eckhouse, Richard H.: Computer Programming and Architecture
"This text is unique in addressing hardware structures and assembly language programming, while also describing the interfaces and mechanics of an operating system (...)" (from the Foreword by SAMUEL H. FULLER)
Preis: 1,45 €
Sapolsky, Harvey M.: Science and the Navy
A.d. Inhalt: Introduction - The Origins of the Office of Naval Research - The Office of National Research - The Office of No Return? ONR and the Issue of Relevance - Managing Naval Science - Science Advice for the Navy - Conclusion
Preis: 4,95 €
Updike, John: Gertrude and Claudius
Updike, John: Gertrude and Claudius »A novel of accumulated wisdom, with Mr Updike in full control of his subtle, crafty and incessantly observing art« (THE NEW YORK TIMES OF BOOK REVIEW)
Preis: 10,95 €
Schmidt, Bastienne: American Dreams
Schmidt, Bastienne: American Dreams A.d. Inhalt: Bastienne Schmidt: Slightly Tattered Dreams - Vicki Goldberg - Plates - Journal - Bastienne Schmidt - Chronology (Text englischsprachig)
Preis: 11,95 € (statt: 45,00 €)
Sayers, Dorothy u.a.: Murder! Murder? Murder!
Bekannte Meister der „spannungsgeladenen" Kurzgeschichte wie Dorothy L. Sayers und Edgar Allan Poe bieten die Gewähr für fünf ungewöhnliche, raffinierte Mordgeschichten.
Preis: 2,45 €
Matthew Sweeney: Santuary
"Here is a poet who has never allowed himself to be distracted a poet, too, whose work all those who think we know it well had better read afresh." (Sean O Brien, Poetry London)
Preis: 4,95 €

Neu eingetroffen:

Ivancevich, John M. u.a.: Management
2. Auflage / Second Edition. (ISBN: 0-256-18939-0 (überklebt mit Aufkleber: ISBN 0-07-114401-3)). A.d. Inhalt: Managing and the Environment - Planning - Organizing - Leading - Controlling - Growth, Technology and Innovation
Preis: 18,95 €
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