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Einige Vorschläge aus dieser Rubrik:

Miller, Elizabeth: Let s read German
"Most of the words introduced and taught are words which are found in the New Testament. [...] The stories in this book have an Amish setting. They relate true-to-life incidents which could happen to any child. Many of the stories teach a moral."
Preis: 3,95 €
Allen, W. Stannard: Living English Structure
Teachers will find in this book a great deal that is unconventional, perhaps even revolutionary, for it does not pretend to tell the student what he OUGHT to SAY in English, but tries to show him what is ACTUALLY SAID.
Preis: 6,95 €
Der Aufriss des Gegenwartsfranzösischen, methodologisch behandelt in synchronischer und diachronischer Perspektive.
Preis: 12,95 €
Halm, Wolfgang u.a.: Modernes Spanisch
Ein Lehr-, Übungs- und Nachschlagebuch für Anfänger.
Preis: 3,95 €
Dieses Lehrbuch bietet eine vollständige Einführung in die schwedische Sprache, in der Aussprache und Grammatik des Schwedischen unter Verwendung des modernen Wortschatzes leicht verständlich dargestellt werden.
Preis: 5,95 €
Fox, G.P. / Phythian, B.A.: Starting-Points
"This book is intended as a stimulus to creative writing in the lower forms of secondary schools." (A.d. Vorwort)
Preis: 2,45 €

Neu eingetroffen:

Miller, Elizabeth: Let s read German
"Most of the words introduced and taught are words which are found in the New Testament. [...] The stories in this book have an Amish setting. They relate true-to-life incidents which could happen to any child. Many of the stories teach a moral."
Preis: 3,95 €
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