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Einige Vorschläge aus dieser Rubrik:

Collin, Peter H.: Dictionary of Medicine
A Dictionary of Everyday English Medical Terms. Basic vocabulary of 12,500 words and expressions covering all aspects of medicine. Definitions in simple English with short grammatical notes. Examples of words used in context.
Preis: 3,95 €
Nostrand, Howard Lee u.a.: Research on Language Teaching
A.d. Inhalt: Bibliographies - Periodicals and Serials - Research completed and in Progress - Methods, Materials and Equipment - Psychology of Language and Language Learning - Linguistics - Languages in the Curriculum
Preis: 2,95 €
Englisch-Deutsches Stilwörterbuch mit unzähligen Beispielen zum korrekten Sprachgebrauch.
Preis: 9,95 €
Makkai, Adam / Boatner / Gates: A Dictionary of American Idioms
This expanded and updated edition defines more than 5,000 American idiomatic words and phrases; it is an ideal tool to increase fluency and comprehension of students whose first language is not English, as well as travelers visiting America.
Preis: 2,95 €
Richards, Jack C. / Platt, John / Platt, Heidi: Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and
This dictionary has been specially written for students of language teaching and applied linguistics. It will be an indispensable resource for those doing courses in TEFL, applied linguistics and introductory courses in general linguistics.
Preis: 9,95 €
Rund 8.000 aktuelle Ausdrücke des Slang und der Umgangssprache. Über 10.000 Definitionen. Aus allen Bereichen wie Filmszene und Fernsehen, Straße und College Campus, Unterwelt und Wall Street. Beispielsätze zu jedem Eintrag
Preis: 5,95 €

Neu eingetroffen:

Nostrand, Howard Lee u.a.: Research on Language Teaching
A.d. Inhalt: Bibliographies - Periodicals and Serials - Research completed and in Progress - Methods, Materials and Equipment - Psychology of Language and Language Learning - Linguistics - Languages in the Curriculum
Preis: 2,95 €
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