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Einige Vorschläge aus dieser Rubrik:

Ellis, Arthur K.: Teaching and Learning
A.d. Inhalt: Ideas, Definitions, and Trends - Developmental and Psychological Dimensions - Integrating the Social Sciences - How Teachers Approach Social Studies - Teaching and Learning Strategies - Planning for Learning - Doing Inquiry
Preis: 2,95 €
Gowan, Ogle Robert: Murder without sin
Inhalt: The Impact Of The French Revolution On Ireland - Formation Of The Orange Order - The Orangemen Prepare To Suppress The Rebellion - Rebellion Of 1798 - Murder And Massacre: Scullabogue To Wexford Bridge - The End Of The Rebellion
Preis: 2,45 €
In 1845, Asbjörnsen published a collection of folktales. Among his stories was "Skarvene fra Utröst", presented here as "The Cormorants of Utröst". Utröst, which means "outer Röst", is a fairy island off the Lofoten Ilsands in northern Norway.
Preis: 2,45 €
Cellini, Benvenuto: The Life of Benvenuto Cellini
A.d. Inhalt: Book First - Book Second - Cellini s Works in Plates - Notes on the Illustrations
Preis: 8,95 €
Livermore, H.V.: A new history of Portugal
A.d. Inhalt: The Origins of Portugal - The Agrarian Monarchy - The House of Avis - The Renaissance Monarchy - The Three Philips - The Restoration - The Age of Absolutism - The Peninsular War - The Implantation of Liberalism - The Republic
Preis: 7,95 €
Ivancevich, John M. u.a.: Management
2. Auflage / Second Edition. (ISBN: 0-256-18939-0 (überklebt mit Aufkleber: ISBN 0-07-114401-3)). A.d. Inhalt: Managing and the Environment - Planning - Organizing - Leading - Controlling - Growth, Technology and Innovation
Preis: 18,95 €

Neu eingetroffen:

Cellini, Benvenuto: The Life of Benvenuto Cellini
A.d. Inhalt: Book First - Book Second - Cellini s Works in Plates - Notes on the Illustrations
Preis: 8,95 €
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