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"You can close your eyes and hear someone read his words, with no music, and you know it's him talking. ... He speaks to you as if you were in the same room, and he's telling you something about life, and people, and what goes on with us"
Preis: 5,95 €
Larson, Gary: Unter Büffeln
»Der Woody Allen der Cartoonisten« (SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE). »Gary Larson ist einzigartig einzigartig« (STEPHEN KING) A.d.R. Far Side Collection.
Preis: 6,95 €
Drysdale, John / Margaret Regan: Our Peaceable Kingdom
"Hilarious, sweet, and astounding. It's hard to believe these qualities coexist in the same frame, but here they are in Drysdale's photos." — William Wegman, photographer
Preis: 5,95 €
Armstrong, Louis: Mein Leben in New Orleans
Der König des Jazz erzählt die Story seines Lebens: von der Kindheit in den Neger-Slums von New Orleans; von der Kindheit des Jazz; von der Prohibitions-Ära und den großen Gangster-Gangs; von den sagenhaften Veteranen des Jazz.
Preis: 1,45 €
Aus dem Inhalt: Nimrud - Troja u. Mykenä - Maiden Castle - El Faijum u Oxyrhynchos - Anyang - Knossos - Ur in Chaldäa - Mohenjo-Daro - Die Städte des Industals - Das Grab des Tut-ench-Amon - Jericho - Arikamedu und Brahmagiri - Ras Shamra - Ugarit
Preis: 6,95 €
Jackson, Peter C.: Saint George and the Dragon
Designed and adapted by Mr. Peter C. Jackson from the original Toy Theater play published in 1847. Together with another version compiled from Mummers play in 1871 by Mrs. Juliana Ewing. The whole embellished with a scholarly introduction.
Preis: 6,95 €

Neu eingetroffen:

Matthew Rye (Hg.): 1001 Klassik-Alben, die Sie hören sollten, bevor das Leben vorbei ist. Vorwort von Steven Iserlis (ISBN: 978-3-283-01110-9 / 9783283011109).
Preis: 12,95 €
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