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Woestijne, Karel van de: Verzamelde Gedichten
Met een Voorwoord van A. Roland Holst. Derde Druk 1967.
Preis: 6,95 €
Gowan, Ogle Robert: Murder without sin
Inhalt: The Impact Of The French Revolution On Ireland - Formation Of The Orange Order - The Orangemen Prepare To Suppress The Rebellion - Rebellion Of 1798 - Murder And Massacre: Scullabogue To Wexford Bridge - The End Of The Rebellion
Preis: 2,45 €
Niagara Power Service (Hg.): Niagara the unconquered
Kurzer kulturhistorischer Abriss über die Entdeckung der Niagara-Fälle, deren energietechnische Ausnutzung durch die Firma Niagara, Hudson Power Corp., die Hg. dieses Buchs. Text in Englisch
Preis: 2,95 €
Morton, David Lawrence: Traveller s Guide to the Great Art
The book "explores over 128 museums, plus over 240 palaces, churches, castles, chateaux, monuments and other architectural landmarks listing more than 900 paintings, sculptures and objects on display throughout Europe." (Klappentext)
Preis: 2,45 €
Pasolini, Pier Paolo: Ragazzi di vita
Pasolini è diventato famoso con questo romana acre, violento, fortissimo. La miseria italiana, i baraccati, l odore della sporcizia e dei panni vecchi, le periferie squallide, le estati roventi che ridestano appetiti pressoché bestiali, hanno trovato in P
Preis: 7,95 €
The Academy of Natural Sciences: Proceedings of The Academy of Natural Sciences of
A.d. Inhalt: North American Veronicellidae - Anatomy of Hendersonia: A Primitive Helicinid Mollusk - The Species of Basiliochiton - Fishes from Natal, Zululand, and Portuguese East Africa - Penroseite and Trudellite: Two New Minerals
Preis: 21,95 €

Neu eingetroffen:

Voyages d un Gentilhomme Irlandais a la recherche d une religion avec des notes et des éclaircissemens par Thomas Moore, traduit de l Anglais par l Abbé D***. (Text französisch).
Preis: 33,95 €
Cellini, Benvenuto: The Life of Benvenuto Cellini
A.d. Inhalt: Book First - Book Second - Cellini s Works in Plates - Notes on the Illustrations
Preis: 8,95 €
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