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Buberl, Brigitte (Hg.): Benedict J. Fernandez: Protest

A.d. Inhalt: An American Tradition. The Camera as a Weapon - The Revolution Took Place in America: Impressions of the Sixties - Benedict J. Fernandez: On the Power of Photography and the Poetry of the Moment - Ben Fernandez and the Photojournalism   Buberl, Brigitte (Hg.): Benedict J. Fernandez: Protest. Photographs 1963-1995
  Preis: 11,95 €

Hardcover, 135 S.
Edition Stemmle, 1996
Ehem. geb. Preis: 84,00 €
ISBN: 3-908162-35-1
Lieferbarkeit: sofort

Land: USA; Epoche: Gegenwart
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage

Sokrates-Verkaufsrang: 17048

As early as 1968 Benedict J. Fernandez documented the confrontation between highly vocal minorities and the "quiet majority". A number of photographs from that time have been reproduced in this book. Here was a new phenomenon, even for late-1960s America: the confrontation with minorities who saw it as a part of their constiturional right to free speech that the public would also listen to their views. Many of Benedict J. Fernandez´s photographs contributed significantly to public awareness about this form of opposition.
Without a doubt, Martin Luther King was the most important figure in the life of the young Ben Fernandez. He took every opportunity to be near the great leader, and thus it is not surprising at all that the photographs are the most impressive, warm-hearted and tender pictures to be found in this entire photographic work. […]

- Brigitte Buberl, Wolfgang E.Weick: Preface
- Fritz L. Gruber: About Ben Fernandez
- Karl Steinorth: An American Tradition. The Camera as a Weapon
- Klaus Harpprecht: The Revolution Took Place in America: Impressions of the Sixties
- Ellen Maurer: Benedict J. Fernandez: On the Power of Photography and the Poetry of the Moment
- Christiane Gehner:Ben Fernandez and the Photojournalism: I AM A MAN
- Plates:
Countdown to Eternity
Martin Luther King
In Opposition
Mental Poverty
Puerto Rico
Speaker's Corner London
- Gerald Koeniger: "When I work I am a different person" Gerald Koeniger talks with Ben Fernandez
- Brigitte Buberl: Biography

OPb. mit OU., Ex. verlagsfrisch und ungelesen. Text englisch

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