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Bradbury, W.K.: Niagara Falls. Canada

Dies ist ein second-hand Artikel

  Bradbury, W.K.: Niagara Falls. Canada. Including Niagara Glen and Queenston Heights
  Preis: 2,95 €

Gebraucht, Schlechter Zustand,
Paperback, 22 S.
Photogelatine Engraving Verlag, (1930)
ISBN: o.A.
Lieferbarkeit: vergriffen

Land: USA; Epoche: Vorkriegszeit
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage

Sokrates-Verkaufsrang: 17187

NIAGARA HISTORY - Written by W.K. Bradbury
LITERALLY "as old as the hills", Niagara is yet ever new. To schoolboy or scholar, to poet or painter, to gay youth or sober age, Niagara's tumbling torrents and roaring rapids remain a perennial inspiration. By countless millions for generations our fathers and forefathers have journeyed to pay homage at this shrine where Nature exhibits her marvellous handwork. The glories of Niagara have been heralded to all parts of the earth, summoning the nature lover and the scientist to the greatest of all spectacles.
With the better understanding of it and a deeper insight into its mysteries which science has given us in recent years, today as never before the student of the works of creation pronounces it the most sublime spectacle on earth!
To the geologist it is the story of bygone centuries written into the rock; to the historian it is the scene of struggles that shaped the destiny of North America; to the economist or engineer it is the world's greatest source of ceaseless power; to the church-man it recalls the earliest attempts to convert the Indians.
Niagara is vastly more than a holiday — it is ever a spiritual rejuvenation. It is itself a book of knowledge and a huge living volume of reference, from which we may gather a wealth of fact written in the pages of time. Its traditions and history recorded by man give us account of its part in peace and war among the early settlers.
Niagara Falls is situated about twenty-two miles from the beginning of the Niagara River at Lake Erie and fourteen miles from where this river empties itself into Lake Ontario. The Horseshoe Falls and American Falls are divided by Goat Island. The Horseshoe Falls are 158 feet high and 3010 feet wide and the American Falls 167 feet high and 1060 feet wide; and it is estimated that 15 million cubic feet of water passes over both falls each minute. The total fall of the Niagara River from its source at Lake Erie to Lake Ontario is 336 feet.
Probably the most fascinating spectacle of all is the illumination at night, when coloured lights are thrown on to the falls from powerful electric arc lamps, twenty-four in number, and of a total capacity of 1,320,000,000 candle power.
The wonders of this display will have to be seen to be thoroughly appreciated—the unique spectacle of the mighty cataract reflected upon itself in the form of this immense electrical achievement.

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Mehr zu den Themen: englisch, Vorkriegszeit

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