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Dunlop, Beth (Einleitung): Arts & Crafts Houses I (Architecture 3)

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  Dunlop, Beth (Einleitung): Arts & Crafts Houses I (Architecture 3). Philip Webb: Red House, William Richard Lethaby ..
  Preis: 28,95 €

Gebraucht, Befriedigender Zustand,
Hardcover, o.S. S.
Phaidon, 1999
ISBN: 0-7148-3875-6
Lieferbarkeit: vergriffen

Land: England; Epoche: Vorkriegszeit
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage

Sokrates-Verkaufsrang: 10627

Aus dem Vorwort:
Introduction by Beth Dunlop
The three buildings examined on these pages act as 'bookends' for the Arts and Crafts movement to some extent. This is not purely because of their chronology, since the Arts and Crafts era predated the Red House (designed by Philip Webb for William Morris in 1859) and ended years after Sir Edwin Lutyens designed Goddards in 1899, but rather, because Webb's house is sufficiently seminal for the ideas manifested in later Arts and Crafts houses not to be fully developed there and since Goddards acts as a harbinger for the ultimate evolution of the Arts and Crafts House.
In the course of the careers of the architects represented here, the Arts and Crafts movement began, was codified, flourished and finally waned - but not before expanding its sights to include not just architecture, furniture, fabric and objects but also even towns and suburbs. […]

3 Architectures: Philip Webb: Red House, William Richard Lethaby: Melsetter House, Sir Edwin Lutyens: Goddards. (Text nur Englisch)

OPb., Einband leicht gebräunt, l. berieben u. l. fleckig, Rücken l. angestoßen, ansonsten gute Erhaltung.

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Mehr zu den Themen: englisch, Vorkriegszeit

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