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Julien, Catherine / Hanns J. Prem / Berthold Riese:
Die Inka / Die Azteken / Die Maya (3 Bde.)
9.95 €

Haberland, Wolfgang:
Amerikanische Archäologie
3.95 €



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Aveni, Anthony F.: Skywatchers

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  Aveni, Anthony F.: Skywatchers. A revised and updated version of Skywatchers ...
  Preis: 9,95 €

Gebraucht, Befriedigender Zustand,
Paperback, 411 S.
University of Texas Press, 2001
ISBN: 0-292-70502-6
Lieferbarkeit: vergriffen

Land: Mexiko; Epoche: Mittelalter
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage

Sokrates-Verkaufsrang: 11234

Weitere von Käufern dieses Buchs gekaufte Titel:
Julien, Catherine / Hanns J. Prem / Berthold Riese: Die Inka / Die Azteken / Die Maya (3 Bde.)
Haberland, Wolfgang: Amerikanische Archäologie

Skywatchers of Ancient Mexico helped establish the field of archaeoastronomy, and it remains the standard introduction to this subject. Combining basic astronomy with archaeological and ethnological data, it presented a readable and entertaining synthesis of all that was known of ancient astronomy in the western hemisphere as of 1980.
In this revised edition, Anthony Aveni draws on his own and others discoveries of the past twenty years to bring the Skywatchers story up to the present. He offers new data and interpretations in many areas, including:
• The study of Mesoamerican time and calendrical systems and their unprecedented continuity in contemporary Mesoamerican culture
• The connections between Precolumbian religion, astrology, and scientific, quantitative astronomy
• The relationship between Highland Mexico and the world of the Maya and the state of Pan-American scientific practices
• The use of personal computer software for computing astronomical data
With this updated information, Skywatchers will serve a new generation of general and scholarly readers and will be useful in courses on archaeoastronomy, astronomy, history of astronomy, history of science, anthropology, archaeology, and world religions.
Winner of several teaching awards, including National Professor of the Year from the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education, Anthony F. Aveni is the Russell B. Colgate Professor of Astronomy and Anthropology at Colgate University in upstate New York.

OBr., Einband u. Seiten leicht verknickt, ansonsten gute Erhaltung. Text englisch.

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