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Wellisch, Ulrich: Asymptotic behaviour of solutions of estimating

Dies ist ein second-hand Artikel

  Wellisch, Ulrich: Asymptotic behaviour of solutions of estimating. equations with functional parameter
  Preis: 6,95 €

Gebraucht, Guter Zustand,
Paperback, 119 S.
Eigenverlag, 1999
ISBN: o.A.
Lieferbarkeit: vergriffen

Land: Deutschland; Epoche: Gegenwart
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage

Sokrates-Verkaufsrang: 19961

A.d. Inhalt:
1 Differential calculus in topological linear spaces
1.1 M-derivatives
1.2 Fundamental properties
1.3 Mean value theorem
1.4 Bibliographical riotes
2 Z-estimators in semiparametric models
2.1 Estimating function
2.2 Expansion by the mean value theorem
2.3 Sufficient conditions for the existence of a consistent Z-estimator
2.3.1 Estimating equation with nuisance parameter
2.3.2 Estimating equation with working parameter
2.3.3 Special types of estimators for nuisance/working parameter
2.4 Sufficient conditions for the asymptotic normality of a consistent Z-estimator
2.4.1 Estimating equation with nuisance parameter
2.4.2 Estimating equation with working parameter
2.4.3 Special types of estimators for nuisance/working parameter
2.5 Score-, Wald-statistic and random norming
2.6 Nonstandard regularity conditions
2.7 Bibliographical notes and summarizing remarks
3 Central limit theorem for dependent processes
3.1 Central limit theorem for multi-dimensional martingale difference arrays
3.2 Central limit theorem for linear martingale estimating functions
3.3 Bibliographical notes
4 Examples
4.1 Least squares estimation in semiparametric linear regression model
4.2 (Quasi-) Likelihood estimation in semiparametric GLM-based time series models
4.2.1 Regularity conditions in the full likelihood case
5 Outlook and discussion

Dissertation an der Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.

OBr., sehr gute Erhaltung.

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