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Eisenstein, Sergei: Eisenstein drawings / dessins

Dies ist ein second-hand Artikel

  Eisenstein, Sergei: Eisenstein drawings / dessins.
  Preis: 13,95 €

Gebraucht, Befriedigender Zustand,
Hardcover, 224 S.
(Iskusstwo), 1961
ISBN: o.A.
Lieferbarkeit: vergriffen

Land: Russland; Epoche: Nachkriegszeit
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage

Sokrates-Verkaufsrang: 10652

Auszug aus der Einleitung:
So many feelings, thoughts, and passions accumulate in the man of talent that they not only impel his life work, but break through at the crevices like escaping steam, whirling new aspects of human talent into view, new possibilities of expression. And this is sometimes brought home very forcefully.
The young Soviet Union began to lay the foundation of its arts in its earliest years and to erect the first structures of its new culture in an atmosphere charged with the dust of the construction sites.
It was a land in which the new industry had come to be the dream and the soul of the people, and where the industrial terms invaded poetry.
Straining towards the new and popular themes, art felt that it would be carried aloft, borne on in the hot democratic bloodstream of the new themes; and it was in those heated and passionate years that Eisenstein's art came into being.
Originating at the Eccentric Theatre, it later grew into the new art of the Soviet film world, flowing into new, potent and courageous films which have come to be classics by now.
These films were entirely new, unashamedly new, frankly Soviet, and kindred to the nature and spirit of the newly arisen state. They were films which could not have previously appeared just as the whole of the new Soviet art could not have appeared without the advent of the new life.
These films were pervaded with new feelings and new passions, new people and new phenomena ; and the old was portrayed within them from the vantage point of the new life, from the viewpoint of a fresh outlook.
It was a virile art, and one to which Eisenstein devoted the whole of his life.
One may be a romanticist in the prosaic — and far from losing its reality, depth and beauty in art, every phenomenon of life may then come to be a great monument to reality. […]

Texte russisch/französisch/englisch.

OLn. ohne OU., Einband leicht gebräunt, Ecken l. angestoßen, Vorsatz über ca. 2/3 der Länge eingerissen, ansonsten gute Erhaltung. Auf Vorsatz eingeklebt ein Briefumschlag mit Briefmarke aus Russland.

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