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Riedl, Dusan (Text) / Teply, Libor (Fotos): The Villa of the Tugendhats created by

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  Riedl, Dusan (Text) / Teply, Libor (Fotos): The Villa of the Tugendhats created by. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in Brno
  Preis: 81,95 €

Gebraucht, Befriedigender Zustand,
Paperback, 55 S.
Brno City museum, 1995
ISBN: 80-85032-44-9
Lieferbarkeit: sofort

Land: Tschech. Rep.; Epoche: Vorkriegszeit
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage

Sokrates-Verkaufsrang: 22000

The Tugendhat Villa in Brno and its position in the scheme of modern architecture was best summed up by Wolf Tegethoff in 1985: "It is a building that became a decisive stimulus for an entire generation of architects," he said.
Tegenhoff listed four houses as the key works of modern architecture: the Robbie House by Frank Lloyd Wright in Chicago, the Steiner House by Adolf Loos in Vienna, the Savoy House by Le Corbusier in Poissy, and the Tugendhat Villa by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in Brno.
The importance of the Brno house lies in the idea of a "freely flowing" space. The means of expression were simple in the extreme, and restrained, in the sense of Mies's foremost principle that "less is more".
But it was also very expensive. The financial resources of the Tugendhats facilitated, for the first time ever, the implementation of the concept of a horizontal house in a form that allowed continuous occupation.
The exacting attitude of the architect, both to himself and to all who participated in the realization of the project, bore fruit in pure and perfect architecture.

Institute for the Protection of Monuments in Brno. Brno City museum. Dusan Riedl (Text), Libor Teply (Fotos). Text englisch.

OBr. mit Metallrücken u. Pappschuber, Seiten leicht wellig, Einband u. Seiten leicht verknickt, ansonsten gute Erhaltung.

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