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Hinz, Berthold:
Die Malerei im deutschen Faschismus
6.95 €

Störig, Hans Joachim (Hg.):
Der Freiheit eine Gasse
6.95 €

Hoppe-Sailer, Richard:
Paul Klee. Ad Parnassum
2.95 €


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Nobis, Norbert (Leitung): Kurt Schwitters 1887-1948

Select your favourite composition from our collection of 136 works. These range from the early years of his impressionistic phase to his collages and typographical works. System Requirements (min.) WIN 3.1 or higher Version 486 PC, 33 MHz 8 MB RAM.   Nobis, Norbert (Leitung): Kurt Schwitters 1887-1948. From the Collection Sprengel Museum Hannover
  Preis: 4,95 €

CD-ROM, 13 S.
Schlütersche Verlagsanstalt, 1996
Ehem. geb. Preis: 25,05 €
ISBN: 3-87706-771-9
Lieferbarkeit: vergriffen

Land: Deutschland; Epoche: Vorkriegszeit
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage

Sokrates-Verkaufsrang: 980

Weitere von Käufern dieses Buchs gekaufte Titel:
Hinz, Berthold: Die Malerei im deutschen Faschismus
Störig, Hans Joachim (Hg.): Der Freiheit eine Gasse
Hoppe-Sailer, Richard: Paul Klee. Ad Parnassum

Select your favourite composition from our collection of 136 works. These range from the early years of his impressionistic phase to his collages and typographical works. Let us guide you through his work e.g. "Picture with Flywheel".
Start your own personal study directly at your PC. Just click the mouse to trace different stages in each historical period. You will find documentary films, background pictures and texts from contemporary, cultural and art history - fascinating and stimulating. Read a short interpretation of the work to guide you.
Let yourself be drawn into the mood of the time when each work was produced; with excerpts from weekly newsreals of the time, references to literature, theatre and music. Listen to Kurt Schwitters, as he gives a recital of the "Urlautsonate" (Sonata of Primeval Sounds) and "Anna Blume" in 1932. Watch a short documentary film about different periods in the artist's life.

System Requirements (min.) WIN 3.1 or higher Version 486 PC, 33 MHz 8 MB RAM (16MB recommended) Sound Card 16 Bit CD-ROM Drive, double speed VGA Graphic Adapter Resolution of 640 x 480, 256 colours (min.) Video for Windows

CD-Rom mit 13-seitigem Begleitheft, alles in englischer Sprache. Ex. verlagsfrisch und unbenutzt.

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Mehr zu den Themen: deutsch, Vorkriegszeit

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